Pavilion BlueMed
Pavilion Arcos
Expo Creative Cities
Expo Creative Cities will be in the exhibition pavilion it will bring together Brazilian creative cities that can share their best practices, as well as promoters of the local creative economy and from several other states in Brazil.
The program will feature cultural presentations and cinematographic exhibitions in Santos, as well as workshops related to the seven areas of development recognized by UNESCO
Crafts and Folk Art
There will be a main gastronomic pavilion. Cooking with local chefs and chefs from creative Brazilian cities, foodtrucks, cinema space, jazz, rock and chorinho (brazilian music) musical performances. LIVE MPB (brazilian music), popular and erudite trios and DJ's, a fair with handicraft exhibition
Pavillion Museu Pelé
Exhibitions of award-winning Brazilian artists connected with the Sustainable Development Goals and space for exhibitors from Brazilian design cities. Auditorium with room for criators and chats to talk abou it. Participation of the Creative Ecofactory. A Literary environment with regional authors and a writers' exhibition, as well as rooms for debate on national and regional literature.
Museu Pelé
Pavilion Guarany
Meetings for debates on national and local cinema. Cinema for the public with screenings of films from creative cities and cinematic chats and conversation circles with personalities from national and local cinema. Exhibitions and visits to public cinemas. Project Set na Praça, where the public participates experiencing the technical functions and acting in a scene. Musical performances from movie soundtracks.
Teatro Guarany
Pavilion Frontaria
Exhibitions in partnership with the Museu da Imagem e do Som (Museum of image and sound), conversation circles about cinema, shows of local video clips, various musical performances and movie soundtracks.