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Santos Creative City

Host CIty of 2020 Unesco Annual Meeting


connected to the world


Santos is connected to the world through Sao Paolo International Airport (GRU) (70 km).

During season (november to april), transatlantic cruise ships link Santos to Europe, the Caribbean and North America.




• 38 million passengers in 2017;
• 24,000 flights each month;
• 42   most connected megahub in the world*;
• 23   world position for international
    low cost connections*;
• 6,500 possible international
    connections each month;
• 40 international airlines from all continents.

    *2017 Megahubs International Index (OAG)

Santos, host city of 2020
UCCN Annual Meeting

Santos will host the Annual Meeting of Creative Cities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) in June 2020. For the first time, the event will be held in Latin America, a region that has the Santos city the only representative of the film industry in the Network of Creative Cities of Unesco. The decision was made by a vote in August in Krakow, Poland, when Santos competed with seven other cities and won the final disputed with Puebla (Mexico) and Belém (Brazil). The theme of the proposal is "Creativity, the Road to Equality". The meeting is an opportunity to expose to the world, all the social work developed in the creative sector of the City, besides receiving tourists from all over the world, which will help in the economic development of the city.


• Meets all requirements;
• Committed to the UCCN Mission Statement, to the Agenda 2030 and New Urban Agenda, a city where culture and creativity are factors of sustainable development with cultural inclusion;
• One of the 10 most safe cities in Brazil according to the 2017 Connected Smart Cities Ranking;
• Home of soccer players Pelé, Neymar and Santos Soccer Club;
• It breathes culture, innovation
and art in fields such as film, music, literature, theatre, dance and other, always on the forefront of political, urban and cultural movements in Brazil;

• One of the 10 oldest cities in Brazil, telling Brazilian history through cultural heritage, with a strong heritage protection program linked to the economic development strategy;
• “Home of Charity and Liberty” as city’s motto, where the first Mercy Hospital of Brazil was built;
• The largest beach garden in the world is in Santos, according to Guinness World Records;
• 70 km from Sao Paolo, where is the 2nd * ranked airport in Latin America (GRU);
• Brazilian capital of cruise ships, hosting around 1 million passengers each season;

• Home of the largest Port in Latin America;

• Traditional route for business tourism, hosting large national and international conferences, highlighting the 2013 World Surf Cities Annual Meeting, the 2014 FIFA World Cup, when was the only city to host 2 squads and the 2016 Summer Olympics when hosted 13 squads;

• Best to city to live in Brazil from 2014 to 2017, as well as best city to live after age of 60, being urban security the highlight.


Santos, cidade sustentável:



• 430,000 inhabitants;
• Major city in metro area of 1.7
million people comprising 9 cities;
• 6th highest HDI in Brazil (0.840);
• Strong network of public services (all free) related to education, social welfare, health, sports, access to culture and capacity building in creative economy fields, focused on vulnerable people;
• 20% of inhabitants over 60 years (double of national average),
recognized by quality of life;

• 2nd most connected city in Sao Paolo State (Medialogue Digital Ranking), aligned to Brazil, the 4th
in world in number of internet users, according to UNCTAD;
• Educational Hub with 110 public schools with 50,000 students aged 3-18;
• 10 universities with 40,000 students;
• 9 public libraries with 271,406 books and works.




& Cultural Expressions in Santos


Santos is a melting pot. It resulted from a fusion of immigrants from all over the world such as Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Arab and African that arrived to Brazil through Santos port and integrated with indigenous people. This diversity is reflected in the cultural heritage, standing out:


Santos Carnival;
• 40+ Cultural Festivals per year, highlighting:
Santos Coffee Festival;
Film Festival Curta Santos;
Santos Film Festival;
Literature Festival Tarrafa Literaria;
Theatre Festival FESTA;
Santos Ibero American Scenic Arts Festival Mirada; Santos Jazz Festival;
Valongo Image International Festival;
• 10+ Museums, including Coffee, Sound and Image, Fishing and Pele;
• Patricia Galvao Cutural Centre (theatre, movie theatre, library, museums, art galleries, Culture Secretariat);
• Northwest Cultural Centre (movie theatre, cultural workshops, carnival stadium);
• Municipal Symphony Orchestra; • Public Ballet School;
• 22 commercial and 3 municipally run movie theatres (including the “4th Station Art Film”, on the beach), with the highest Brazilian cinema audience;
• 5 great theatres (3 municipally run);
• 5 small theatres, including an open-air
theatre on the beach;
• More than 100 indigenous families of Guarani ethnicity live in protected villages in Santos metro area.


Santos, Creative City

International partnerships:


Santos & Busan

Santos Busan Intercity Film Festival – 2030 Agenda, with Film Production Residency Program, with participation of Santos’ director Dandi Queiroz.

May, 2018

Painel de Boas Práticas na Agenda 2030

2030 Agenda Good Practices Panel during Culturalmente Santista Festival (Culturally Santos Festival) focused on 2030 Agenda.

December, 2017

SBFF Santos Bandung Film Festival

Santos Bandung Film Festival with film screening and virtual exchange and debates among filmmakers and audience between cities.

July-December, 2017



38 Creative Cities, Bradford (Film), Santos (Film)

Creative Cities Film Festival during Coffee Festival as moving screening of Bradford Small World Film Festival with movies from 38 UNESCO creative cities.

July, 2017


Denia (Gastronomy) & Santos (Film)

Traditional recipes of Denia taught through film by gastronomy school students.

April, 2017


Mayors  for Peace

network composed for more than 7,500 cities leaded by Hiroshima (Japan) aiming nuclear weapons abolition in the world.

2015 to 2018

International Conferences:

  • II Creative Cities Summit Beijing (2016);
  • Qingdao Film Cities Forum (2017);
  • Beijing Design Week (2017);
  • Beijing Creative 2030 (2017);
  • 9WUF (2018).


Santos committed to 2020

Logistical Plan

Santos is committed and has capacity to provide:


• Fully-equipped main conference room, 7 other conference rooms (at least) for sub-network meetings, meeting room for the Steering Group sessions, all of them
with screens, fixed and mobile microphones (stage and audience), event sound and lighting and other necessary materials;
• fully-equipped office area for the UCCN Secretariat and Santos staff, with computers, printer, office stationary and internet connection;
• 2 English and 1 French-speaking experienced professionals to assist the UCCN Secretariat;
• Press and media areas with dedicated room, for journalists with internet;
• Publication corner for the dissemination of relevent and approved publications;
• WiFi connection in all main venues;
• Simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Portuguese for all plenary sessions and Mayors’ sessions, with headsets for all

• Conference services, including registration desk with 6 English and 2 French-speaking receptionists, help desk, badges, signs, indications, stationary, notebooks, pens, conference bags;
• Dedicated team with 3
English and 2 French-speaking professionals will be established
in January 2019 to carry out all
the tasks related to the meeting preparation and implementation and two of them will be highlighted as contact person;
• UCCN Secretariat’s preparatory onsite mission between july 2019 and april 2020, accompanied by dedicated Santos’ team, covering all necessary expenses related to the mission;
• Lunches, coffee breaks, dinners and local transport for all participants during the meeting;
• Accommodation for UNESCO’s representatives during the meeting, as well as negotiated rates and pre-booking service in hotels for all participants;

• Website in English, French and Portuguese from june 2019;
• Preparation (together by UNESCO) and reproduction of relevant and technical meeting documents, also made available electronically;
• Facilitation of visa application and issuing for all participants, with support of National Foreign Affairs Minister (formal support letter in annex);
• Provision of security in all venues and surroundings over the event period in accordance with UN and UNESCO rules regulations, designating a focal point for this subject in January 2019;
• Submission to UNESCO of the general report on the full event (preparation, implementation, follow- up and analysis) until august 2020;
• Santos will work on necessary arrangements to provide resources via ad hoc financial contribution to UNESCO for the recruitment of one temporary international
staff for 9-12 months.


Infrastructure in Santos

• Accomodation: 4,788 bed places in more than 20 hotels of all types (3-5 stars and hostels);
• Hospitals: 12;
• Emergency Medical Services:
24h call service (192), 10 Urgent Medical Care Units (4 public), besides 32 public medical centers with specialized medical care;
• Consulates: 7 in Santos and all
other in São Paolo City (70 km);

• 24h Drugstores: 11;
• Tourism Service: 6 Tourism Information Offices and 13 Currency Exchange around the city;
• Security: 7 Police Departments (subnational government), with specialized services for women and tourists, 700 surveillance cameras around the city
connected to the municipally managed control center, besides the city’s security force, Santos Municipal Guard;

• Public Transportation: city widely served by buses, 11 km Light Rail, 48 km bike paths with public bike sharing system;
• Private Transportation:
taxis, transportation by apps and car rentals.


Santos como
Cidade Sede 2020

Santos meets all requirements


• First city in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region to host the Annual Meeting;
• Brazil will host the meeting for the first time;
• By the first time, a film city will host the meeting;
• The Mayor of Santos is the main patron of the event (support letter in annex);
• National, Subnational, Metro and local authorities support the application (support letters in annexes);
• Santos has been UCCN member as film city for almost 3 years, since December 2015;

• Santos is completely committed to the UCCN Mission, with international initiatives carried out
in partnership with creative cities
and several local actions involving partnerships with civil society, national and subnational governments, universities, civil society and NGOs, impacting in 2030 Agenda;
• Santos’ first monitoring report will be submitted in 2019 and is already under development;
• Santos is committed to sustainability, being awarded because of its Creative Ecofactory, selected among other 150 projects from all over the world;
• Santos is 70 km from the second Latin American Airport,
connected to the world;

• Both the event program and communication plan will be built together with UNESCO in compliance with all its guidelines;
• Since joining the Network, Santos has participated in all the annual meetings:

• 2016 - Ostersund, Sweden:

focal point (Ms. Niedja Santos)

• 2017 - Enghien-les-Bains, France:

focal point (Ms. Niedja Santos) and Mayor (Mr. Paulo Alexandre Barbosa)

• 2018 - Krakowice, Poland:

focal point (Ms. Niedja Santos) and Mayor (Mr. Paulo Alexandre Barbosa)


Santos, Creative City

Major local projects in
line with UCCN Mission Statement

Bistro School Restaurant

Public Gastronomy School for vulnerable young people, while
serving as tourist
restaurant in front
of Pele Museum.

Partnership: City Hall, Unisantos University, National Government.

Vilas Criativas

Cultural centres in
vulnerable districts offering cultural access and capacity building in creative fields (design, crafts, music, film,

Partnership: City Hall, National and Subnational Government, NGOs.

Creative Ecofactory

Woodwork school for vulnerable people that build works from projects by renowned designers using 100% recycled wood waste collected around the city. Awarded by 2017 iF Design Social Impact Prize.

Partnership: City Hall, Club Design of Santos.

Impact: 8 SDGs

Projeto premiado pelo iF Design em 2017.
Santos committed to 2020

Communication and Promotion Plan

Santos is committed and has capacity to develop the plan from September 2018 to june 2020, in compliance with UNESCO rules and guidelines, including:

• Target audience involving: local and national media, international organizations and governments;

• Communication and promotion strategy for
involving stakeholders at the most diverse levels using printed, digital media, TV and key promotion material. Pre-event to be held in Fabriano, Italy in 2019, participation in specialized fairs, among others;

• Engaging of specialized agency in press services as the beginning of the Annual Meeting preparation to implement the communication action plan approved by UNESCO, which will work under the direct supervision of the Municipality of Santos in collaboration with UNESCO.

• World competition for visual element for the Annual Meeting, involving all creative cities, preferring projects co-produced by creative cities, to be discussed with UNESCO;



Santos, sustainable city:




• One of the 10 best cities for business in Brazil (2017 McKinsey Ranking);
• GDP of US$ 7 billion;
• Santos Port responsible by 28% of Brazilian trade balance (US$ 103.3 billion in 2017);
• 1st city by Sao Paulo Audit Court in the effective municipal management index;
• 1st in the transparency ranking by Brazilian Federal Prosecution Service.

31% of oil produced in Brazil is extracted in Santos Basin. It’s the largest oil pre-salt exploration field in Brazil;
• Technology Park, in partnership with 9 universities and tax exemptions to develop innovative technology.


Santos Creative Economy in numbers:



• 21,894 employees in creative fields (12% total);
• 3,601 creative businesses (22% total);
• 4,457 sole proprietorship businesses (38% total);
• 12 Committees and Councils in creative fields with civil society
participation (40% total);
• 3,980 slots in college courses in creative economy fields
(22% total);


• Av. 40 cultural festivals each year;
• 24 unions and professional associations in creative fields;
• 50 public service media established in city;
• 15 meetings per year
with civil society participation related to cultural public policies;
• 1,500 slots for capacity building programs on creative fields.

Santos, sustainable city:


• Area of 280 km2, with 56% of preserved Rain Forest;
• Sustainability as main guideline to Urban Mobility Plan, highlighting the 11.5 km of Light Rail connecting Santos to the metro area, electric bus, 100% public transportation with free on-board wiFi, and 48 km of bike paths with bike sharing program;
• Waste Management including disposal, collection and recycling of about 15,000 tons of garbage each month;

• Recycling Center Program (partnership between City Hall
and Without Borders NGO) using tricycles for collecting recyclable waste in downtown, minimizing truck traffic and giving opportunities to vulnerable people;
• Creative Ecofactory, woodwork school recycling 3 tons of wood while preparing marginalized people to
the labor market, it conquered the iF International Design Social Award Prize in 2017.

Available conference venues

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting venues will be decided together by UNESCO, among choices below, all of easily served
by transportation and close to accomodation:


Historical City Center

The annual meeting would take place in heritage buildings and sites, highlighting:

• Coliseu Theatre
(600 seats orchestra/centre and 400 seats balcony);
• Guarany Theatre (300 seats);
• Pele Museum (80 seats);
• Bistro School Restaurant (80-120 seats);
• City Hall - Isabel Princess Room (60 seats);
• City Hall - Noble Hall (80-100 seats);
• City Hall - Situation Room (20-30 seats);
• Coffee Exchange (100-120 seats);
• Santos Chamber of Commerce - Meeting Room (80-100 seats);
• Santos Chamber of Commerce - Auditorium (150 seats);
• Portuguese Tiled Facade House (100-200 seats);
• Historical Vintage Tram to connect venues.


• Theatre (772 seats);
• 10 meeting rooms and for 20-200 people;
• Living area for cultural activities.


Mendes Convention Center

• Complex of 25,000 m² especially designed for conferences and fairs, with modulable rooms and spaces, with capacity for up to 7 conference rooms of 4,600 people, besides 10,000 m² pavillion.

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Esta pagina foi publicada em: quarta-feira, Maio 23, 2018 - 17:50