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Creative EcoFactory


Installed in june 2016 in the Old Market District, in partnership with Club Design of Santos, the Creative EcoFactory aims to offer capacity building on woodwork for vulnerable people, fostering talent development, income generation and quality of life. Alongside other projects and investments of Santos Municipality, the program is working on the regeneration of Old Market District, an area that was previously heavily degraded.

The program is leaded by Fundo Social de Solidariedade – FSS (Social Solidarity Fund), linked to the City Hall. In the Woodwork School, students learn how to make pieces for urban furniture, such as plaques, easels, benches and flower boxes, as well as decorative objects. All the material used for the works is recycled wood waste, collected by the municipality service, reducing waste and helping to increase the useful life of the region´s landfill.

The course is divided into two modules. The first is a elementary one and lasts 3 months, and the second is a professional one, lasting 9 months.

Other municipal sectors are partners in this program: Public Services Secretariat – SESERP, , Environment Secretariat – SEMAN, and Communication Secretariat - SECOM.


Recycling of raw materials from the proper disposal of recyclables

Capacity building and income generation

Environmental education, highlighting the importance of recycling

Reduction of waste deposited in the landfill


The Creative EcoFactory impacts on at least 8 UN 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals. These goals will stimulate action over the next 15 years in areas of crucial importance to humanity.

They were guided by the legacy left by the Millennium Development Goals. They seek to provide and ensure the human rights to all people around the world, achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. They are integrated and indivisible, and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental dimensions.

Know more about goals that guide the EcoFactory


End poverty in all its forms everywhere


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls


Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all


Reduce inequality within and among countries


Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable


Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns


Sustainability manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt diversity loss

Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development



The students carry out their works based on projects designed by designers from Club Design of Santos. Recycled wood waste is transformed into benches, tables, as well as a set of dressers and boxes, preparing Ecofatory´s students for the labor market.

The pieces will be exhibited and sold in associated stores. The collected amount will be reverted to the EcoFactory.


Santos is one of the eight creative cities in film in the world, recognized by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)..

The UNESCO Creative Cities Network was released in 2004, covering 7 creative fields: Film, Literature, Music, Gastronomy, Design, Media Arts and Craft & Folk Arts. With 116 members nowadays, its main goal is to promote international cooperation between cities that invest in creativity as a factor of sustainable urban development, social inclusion and cultural vitality.

The film field in Santos is very strong. The city has 22 movie theatres, three public ones: Cine Arte Posto 4 (Gonzaga beach), Cine ZN (Cultural Center of the Northwest Zone) and the Museum of Image and Sound of Santos (MISS). Besides film production, Santos counts on cultural festivals throughout the year, such as Curta Santos Short Film Festival, which promote cultural exchange nationwide. It holds the Santos Film Commission, for audio-visual productions. The City has already been the scenario for hundreds of audiovisual productions, including commercials, soap operas and films that have brought millions to the local economy.


60 people qualified on woodwork
20 students each semester
3 tons of recycled wood per year



Creative EcoFactory

Praça Iguatemi Martins, s/n - Vila Nova - Santos/SP - Phone: +55 13 3222-8050

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Esta pagina foi publicada em: quarta-feira, Maio 30, 2018 - 16:52